You know those zoomies your fur baby gets in the evening? The ones where they start running around for no reason and want to play? That is excess energy they are trying to burn off. Looking for a way to help them burn it off that doesn’t include jumping on furniture and knocking over everything in their path? Enter running. Running is an excellent way for your pup to use up that energy and relieve tension and anxiety. A regular running routine can help your pet maintain a healthy weight, with the added benefit of keeping them fit. And it might be good for you too! So, we rounded up a top ten list of the fastest canine breeds. There are a lot of lists of the fastest dog breeds and they are all a little different. These are just our favorites. Take a look!

The American Kennel Club (“AKC”) recognizes 197 dog breeds. You can search their breed lists here. Internationally, there are about 340 identified dog breeds. Some breeds are known for their ability to focus, their ability to use their scent to find something or someone, or their ability to control and herd a group of sheep. Our list includes breeds that are known for their exceptional speed and athleticism. These speedy pups tend to be larger, more muscular, and long-legged types. Having said that, there are some really fast little dogs as well. Regardless of size, the fastest dogs were usually bred to perform work that kept them moving and required them to be on their toes…err, paws.
Here are our picks for the 10 fastest dogs breeds on the planet:
#1 Greyhounds - They are considered the fastest dogs in the world. They often compete in races and are bred to be lean and speedy. Their speed can get as high as 45 miles per hour. In comparison, a Cheetah runs about 60 miles per hour. These sighthounds have deep upper bodies, exceptional lung capacity, and lean, muscular bodies. Greyhounds have the ability to increase their speed quickly and then maintain those high speeds over a long distance, about 250 meters or 820 feet. Despite their musculature and their abilities, they are usually mild-mannered, calm, and typically viewed as sofa hogs at home. They tend to sleep 18 hours a day and are even considered good “apartment” dogs. The key to keeping them healthy is making sure they get their daily walks.
There are 2 types of Greyhounds – racing and show. On average, racing Greyhounds are 25 to 29 inches in height, while show Greyhounds are 26 to 30 inches in height. They typically weigh between 60 and 70 pounds. Check out this video to see some fast Greyhounds in action!

#2 Vizslas - Centuries ago, the Vizsla was treasured amongst the Magyar tribes of Hungary. Vizslas came to be vital because of their unbeatable speed and endurance when hunting. They can run up to 40 miles per hour. Nowadays, these traits continue to make Vizslas a preferred running partner. Vizslas tend to be anxious to please and very loving. However, they are well-known chewers if they aren't getting an adequate amount of physical exercise and mental stimulation.
Vizslas grow to be between 21 to 24 inches and tend to weigh between 44 to 60 pounds.

#3 Jack Russell Terriers - The tiny yet quick Jack Russell terrier was initially bred for fox hunts. Unlike the larger foxhounds, these focused and brave little pups could chase their quarry right into a den. They also had to be fast in order to keep up with horses in the hunt, who were often hot on the scent trail of a fox. Jack Russells are normally clever, high energy, and spirited pups. The are fairly vocal and like to dig. They can reach a speed of up to 38 miles per hour.
Jack Russells have an average height of 13 inches and weight between 13 and 17 pounds.

On average, Dalmatians grow to be between 19 and 24 inches and grow to be between 45 to 70 pounds.

#5 The Weimaraner is our fifth pick. It is a sporty hunting dog with an incredible ability to reach top speeds. They can run up to 35 miles per hour. They are known for their endurance, loyalty, and trainability. Like most high energy dogs, they can be naughty if they do not get enough mental and physical stimulation. It is important to keep them busy by directing their energy toward sporty pursuits. They do like to chew so you’ll want to keep them busy enough that they don’t destroy the house when they are left unsupervised.
Weimaraners are big dogs that tend to be between 23 to 27 inches in height and between 55 to 90 pounds in weight. That’s a lot of dog!
#6 Doberman Pinscher - Did you know that the Doberman Pinscher has been used in work done by armed forces, law enforcement and search and rescue specialists? They were bred to protect humans. These very large canines have lots of endurance, drive, and are very fast. They can reach a speed of 35 miles per hour. At the same time, Dobermans or Dobies, as they are often called, are extremely loyal and trainable. Despite these excellent qualities, they typically aren't a good match for new dog owners. They also don’t tend to get along with other dog breeds. They have very strong protective instincts coupled with a powerful and muscular body. This combination can make them somewhat of a challenge for new dog parents.
Dobies are on average 24 to 28 inches in height and can weigh anywhere from 60 to 100 pounds. That’s a big dog!

#7 Border Collies - It’s probably not surprising that Border Collies are on this list. Border Collies have appeared prominently in many of our dog sports posts like the ones on Dog Agility, Dog World Records, and Dog Flyball. Collies are usually really clever and faithful to their humans. But they also have loads of drive, endurance, and speed. A Border Collie can run about 30 miles per hours. Whether they are rounding up animals throughout the day or vying for titles at fast-paced sporting activities like flyball or agility, these canines can actually do just about anything. Nonetheless, it's not unusual for them to nip at the heels of youngsters as they run after bikes, cars, and trucks. As a result, it’s vital to help them focus their athleticism on tasks or jobs.
The average height of a Border Collie is 18 to 22 inches and they typically weight 30 to 50 pounds.

#8 Siberian Huskies - These dogs may not be able to achieve the unbelievable speeds of a greyhound, but they are still incredibly fast for a big fluffy dog. They have an unbelievable amount of endurance and are able to run long distances at a consistently fast speed. They can run at a top speed of around 30 miles per hours. They can even handle extreme and severe cold weather like a champ. As you probably anticipated, as a dog bred to pull sleds for hours over the course of a day, they have plenty of energy coupled with a drive that is unmatched by other breeds. They thrive in households that can provide the right environment that allows them to express their enthusiastic spirit. Check out this husky owner and his daily exercise routine with his husky.
Huskies average about 20 to 25 inches in height and can weight between 35 to 60 pounds.
#9 Great Danes - Coming in at number nine is the elegant Great Dane. The Great Dane is known for its large build, and slender yet athletic body. Its physical characteristics allow it to make strides swiftly, which is what historically made the Great Dane a great boar hunter/searcher in its country of origin - Germany. They can maintain a top speed of 30 miles per hour. When they are with their humans, Great Danes are generally gentle giants. They require a great deal of room to play and get all of their energy out. Despite that, they are fairly loving and faithful companions, even with children and other pets.
Great Danes tend to be between 28 to 32 inches tall and can weight anywhere from 110 to 175 pounds. That’s a lot of dog food!

#10 Our final choice is the Poodle. Poodles can be of the toy, miniature, or standard variety. Regardless of what category the poodle fits into, they are all known to be fast. Standard Poodles can reach a speed of 30 miles per hour. Poodles tend to make wonderful family members when they are provided with a way to use up their energy and express their playful side. At a minimum, they require 2 solid walks each day. They are generally fun-loving but also mild-mannered and tend to live long lives. Poodles need a lot of grooming to prevent their coats from becoming matted.
Standard poodles can grow to about 15 inches and weigh between 40 to 70 pounds.
Whew, those are some fast dogs! We’re tired out from talking about it. Time to cuddle up with our 7-pound Chi mix, who is just a cuddly ball of love that needs to be carried after a walk around the block! If you're into a more organized sport that includes jumping and tricks, check out our blog post on Disc Dog here!