DoggyLoveandMore Blog

Our blog posts are designed to inform, entertain and assist dog lovers with their relationships with dogs and the lifestyle that comes with having a furry best friend.  We encourage healthy activities and often write about dog sports. Please let us know if there is a topic you wish us to write about. We'd be happy to do so!

Our top blog posts include: 

"Those amazing K9 Dogs! 9 things you need to know - #8 will surprise you!

"Frisbees, Jumps and Tricks - Try out Disc Dog!"

"Skijor – the Winter sport for active dog lovers! Are you dog lover enough to try?"

"What is Dog Dock Diving?"

"10 Very Cool Sports World Records Held by Dogs!"


The Top 10 Dog Sports, in our humble opinion, are:

  1. Disc Dog
  2. Dog Surfing
  3. Dog Agility
  4. Dog Dock Diving
  5. Iron Dog
  6. Skijor
  7. Canicross
  8. Barkour
  9. Flyball
  10. Rally Trials

We cover all of these topics and more in our blog. Hope to see you there!